
Guilt & Grief

Guilt and Grief,  what a horrible combination of emotions. It's important to work through them, learn from them and when the time feels right, no matter how long it takes, apply those lessons and try to live each day with better clarity then the day you my friend. 

Growth & Grief

Grief is one of those moments in life that force change to perception and perspective of your forces growth to happen, regardless if we are ready or not and the healing is the recognition of that growth. 

Time & Grief

We have to remember, although others tend to forget, grief knows no limit of time and it never expires. In other words, Grief has no expiration date.

Type of Death & Grief

Grief is devastating and absolutely will change a person. What we forget to realize, is how the type of death effects the severity of the grief...

Each of us, based on our life experiences, will never grieve the same and that is 100 percent ok. We each arrive at the intersection of death with different emotional levels of how that person interacted within our circle...

Society sets these false norms of how to handle death and grief, simply because it doesn't know how to process the unknown, we look for understanding and to make rational an irrational moment...

Therefore, be mindful and considerate of others who may be just trying to find their way and sometimes, not saying anything at all but just being there is the best course of action.